Fall Habits to Bring Us Back Down to Earth

Autumn has arrived. The trees are bare in the mountains and we are loosing leaves in Denver.  

This season has a lot of elements attached to it. In the Ayurvedic practice, fall is related to the Vata dosha. The attributes of Vata dosha are windy, dry, mobile, cold, light, and rough. These qualities can cause things like anxiety, dry skin, immunity problems (especially between the hot and cold seasons), intestinal issues, feeling overwhelmed and disorganized. 

Looking at this season from an energetic standpoint, we can begin to use the changing of the foliage as a mirror. The leaves are letting go, showing only the tall bare branches. These bare trees are what is within us already. We can be humbled by taking a look within ourselves and identifying what we can let go of that may be holding us back. 



The practice of letting go and leaning into the energy fall has to offer is not going to be easy. I have been feeling the push and pull from the summer to the fall myself. Fall is supposed to be a time where we can settle into the cozy months to come. I have noticed that life has almost seemed busier. It is our own responsibility to take control of how we are responding to these pulls to be busy. We must create a balance to be sure we are taking care of ourselves. 

10 Things We Can Do To Help Our Transition Into Fall:

  1. Stay Hydrated

  2. Use body oil to keep your skin happy

  3. Eat Seasonally

  4. Take time to meditate daily

  5. Journal

  6. Switch to a more gentle exercise like restorative yoga or daily walks

  7. Identify where you need more balance in your life (and make changes!)

  8. Make time for yourself

  9. Declutter your space

  10. Set intentions/goals for the season ahead

I am grateful for reminders like these. Simple, hopeful, balanced. I would love to know if you have any fall rituals. Don't hesitate to comment below. 

Sending Love,

