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feeling unmotivated, unfocused, or have an achy body from not moving enough?

Add yoga to your daily routine | create a healthy self care habit


Valued at over $40 - FOR FREE for a limited time


Enjoy Benefits Like:

△ Mental clarity and focus

△ Better quality of sleep

△ Reduced stress and anxiety

△ Improved flexibility and strength


Why 10 Days? - It takes many consistent days of showing up for yourself to create a new habit. These 10 days are the beginning of your journey to wellness.

What will each day look like? - We will move through creatively sequenced classes to help you find mobility, strength, and softness on your mat.

How does it work? - Every day you will receive an email straight to your inbox.

Are the poses hard? - No! Even though it’s a “challenge,” it is meant to challenge your self discipline and help you get back into the habit of taking care of yourself.

Have More Questions? Get in touch HERE.