25 Non-Negotiables to Uplevel Your Self Care Game

Self Care Bath

I recently had a phone call with an old friend and amazing coach. At the end of a wonderfully hard 3 hour process unearthing negative beliefs, we arrived at a point in the road where I got to choose what was next for my life. I was told to let my imagination run free in the direction of this new self. The process brought me to some pretty rad experiences. Quite a few of which, all involved self care, something I had been craving for what felt like years. While I wasn’t surprised, I made the commitment to myself to start a self care non-negotiables list when I got off the phone that day.

What is a non-negotiable?

A non-negotiable is exactly how it sounds. It is a priority in our life. It is intentionally choosing without debate. I’ll say that last part a little louder for those in the back- CHOOSING WITHOUT DEBATE. Meaning we are in control and this is something we are committed to.

When we intentionally choose to do things, we say to the universe, “This is what is important to me.” Doesn’t that sound pretty powerful? Wouldn’t it be nice to put your foot down and demand to meet your needs? How do you think you would feel if you decided to make this change in your life?

Maybe we should find out.

I have taken some time to create a list of 25 non-negotiables you should consider adding to your weekly routine to create healthy, sustainable habits and boundaries. Before you dive too deep, make a commitment to choose 3-5 that would work for you and do what you can. This is meant to be nourishing, not stressful.



- Mediate for 5 minutes daily (or longer if you want). I like to do this in the morning when I make tea.

- Put your phone away. You can do this while you eat, walk, drive, before you go to bed, or when you wake up. Get creative!

- Start a gratitude practice. This can be simple and bonus points for starting it with a friend or family member.

- Write down something that brought you joy each day. Start small.

- Start journaling to process your day and work towards better understanding yourself.

- Start listening to podcasts instead of watching TV or listening to music on the radio while you drive

- Take deep breaths throughout the day. Set reminders on your phone.

- Start using positive affirmations. Create a positive sentence in the present tense- “I am abundant.”

- Learn something new. This one shouldn’t be too hard. Use your resources and share what you’ve learned with others. Keep your mind fresh.


- Do physical activity. Yoga, walking, climbing, biking, hiking, running, weights- really anything goes here. Just MOVE!

- Walk for 20 minutes after work or at lunch.

- Practice good posture. You may have to learn what this on is first but the more you do it, the better you’ll feel

- Stretch before bed. Legs up the wall is my favorite for sleep but go wild and take your time

- Take baths. Oh yeah. Baths. SOAK your bod often. You wont regret this.

- Choose to nourish. Promise yourself you will eat for nourishment and also allow yourself at least one dark chocolate square a week.

- Sun Bathe. A little harder in the winter but get your Vitamin D when you can. I used to sit outside on all of my breaks at work.

- Get good sleep. While I know this is not always an easy one, do what you can to make sleep a priority. Have you read Why We Sleep? by Matthew Walker?

- Hydrate. Drink water all day, every day and hydrate your skin nightly or after a shower.


- Call a friend weekly and LAUGH together. Don’t be shy. I know all of us have at least one friend we can be a total goofball with (ahem, you know who you are). If not, I challenge you to find your inner goofball weekly until you have met someone to do this with.

- Do something that brings you joy every week. This can be a creative endeavor, smelling flowers, dancing, eating great food. Make this yours and do it often.

- Connect with nature. Every day if you can. This is one of my non-negotiables and will never leave my list.

- Social media break. For obvious reasons, let your mind breathe. Re-charge.

- Take long walks with yourself or a friend without distraction. Be in the moment.

- Allow yourself to take breaks. 5 minutes when you get home, 10 minutes at the end of your lunch break, midmorning breather? Allow for quiet you time and listen to what you find.

- Give someone a compliment. It feels great to give genuine positive feedback to someone and to receive it. Start the circle.

Share your 3-5 habits with the world by commenting below. By saying it to yourself and then sharing it with others, you are speaking it into existence over and over again.

Until next time,


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